Protruding Ears (otoplasty)
If protruding or dis?gured ears bother you or your child, you may consider plastic surgery. Ear surgery — also known asotoplasty — can improve the shape, position or proportion of the ear. It can correct a defect in the ear structure that is present at birth, that becomes apparent with development or it can treat misshapen ears caused by injury.
Ear surgery creates a natural shape, while bringing balance and proportion to the ears and face. Correction of even minor deformities can have profound bene?ts to appearance and self-esteem.
In children it is preferable to do the surgery before the school years to avoid classroom teasing, but it can be done at any time later. There is relatively little or no pain after this surgery and Otoplasty maybe performed on an outpatient basis in the office or in the hospital. The thin scars resulting from the incisions are located behind each ear and are automatically hidden by the ears. It is rare for these scars to become enlarge or overgrown.
My Recovery
After the operation a turban type bandage is worn to cover the ears for several days. After this is removed the patient may wear a cap or head band pulled down over the ears to protect them for another two weeks. Most people may turn to work or school 5-7 days after the surgery.