Many people have unwanted fatty deposits which they have been unable to diminish through diet and exercise. These fatty deposits are commonly found in the areas of the thighs, hips, tummy, buttocks, waist, knees and ankles. The method through which these fatty deposits can be removed is called liposuction. Facial liposuction can also be performed to remove excess also be performed to remove excess fat in the cheeks, jowls, neck and chin areas. Facial liposuction can be carried out alone, or in combination with face lifting or chin augmentation.
The fatty deposits are suctioned out with a vacuum type device. A tiny opening, usually ½” in length, in made in inconspicuous areas, through which a small tube or “cannula” is inserted. The tube is connected to a source of high suction and passed back and forth within the fatty tissue so that unwanted fat cells are loosened and suctioned away.
This surgical procedure can be performed on an out-patient basis, in the hospital, or in an ambulatory surgical suite under either general or local anesthesia, depending on the preferences of the surgeon and patient. You will usually be required to wear a girdle or elastic neck strap for several days following the procedure to provide support and to maintain your new shape. Most Pastiest resume normal activity within a few days of the surgery.
Most patients experience bruising and swelling after liposuction which lasts a variable period of time. For that reason, it takes a while before the final results of surgery are apparent. However, the vast majority of patients are highly pleased with the results of liposuction surgery.
Although discomfort is usually minimal, post-operative medication can be prescribed by your cosmetic surgeon to provide relief of the soreness. Many patients return to work within three to four days. There are usually very few restrictions to activity.
Fees vary from one geographic area to another. Your doctor and staff will discuss all financial arrangements with you prior to surgery.
This brochure is only intended as an introduction to this procedure. It should not be used to determine whether you will have the procedure performed and should not be construed to guarantee the result.
I. Screening Protocol
1. Thorough medical history and physical examination emphasis on Hematologic disorder
2. Request for laboratory examination CBC via CT and BX
II. Pre-operative preparation
q Secure written consent
q Take standard photograph
q Prophylactic antibiotic at least 1 hour prior to surgery
q 5mg oral diazepam
q Complete bed rest is helpful for at least one day;after that you may be up and around
q Upon your return home, drink lots of fluids, particularly hot broth and mineral water. Take the prescribed medication as indicated.
q Bandages and suture will be removes in 4-7 days, elastic bandages or support garments will be applied after which you should be able to resume limited activities. These will be increased gradually depending on the location and the extent of area treated.
q Showering and bathing are permitted after the dressings are removed, approximately one week after surgery.
q Start gently finger-tip massage (light kneading motion) to operated area on 10th postoperative day (10-20 minutes each area twice daily for 3 weeks)
q Exercise may be resumed on the 4th postoperative day. Bicycle riding 10-2- minutes per day of three weeks is recommended (if stationary bicycle is used, do not used any resistance.)
q Postoperative visits:you will be seen in the Center frequent interval for the first few weeks.The exact timing of these visits will vary for ,individual depending on the healing process.Please make every attempt to keep these appointments,since it is vitally important that we closely monitor your healing.If you live in distant city we prefer you to stay in town for the first few days after surgery.
B. Chin if your liposuction was under your jowls or arm
q Start gently finger-tip massage on the 10th day (twice daily for 10 minutes). Lump feeling, which can be felt but not seen usually, disappears in few weeks.
C. If you had liposuction of the abdomen
q Start sits-up (with knees bent). Two after surgery. Do as many as you can and increase the number by four each day (continue for at least two months.)
q Massage the abdomen 15 minutes daily for at least three months .It is expected that the abdomen will feel lumpy for several months (this is normal). Your support garment should be worn for 4-6 weeks.
D. If you had liposuction of your thighs
q Start the following exercises two weeks after surgery:
a) To tightens your thighs and buttocks, kneel with back straight and palms on your thights. Lean backward slowly, uding thigh muscle.(Don’t bent spine or the tension in your legs will be transferred to back muscle instead .)Hold for a count of ten, and then slowly return to starting position. Repeat.
b) For backs or thigh:lie down,weight on elbow,bring knee to chest and straighten leg.(point toe),keeping it perpendicular to floor.Repeat five times with each leg.
c) For inner thigh:lie propped on side ,raise top leg as high as you can flex ankle(hard).Point toe,lower leg.
E. Physical theraphy following liposuction
q The techniques of facial and body contouring with liposuction involves the removal of fats from different levels under the skin ,thus sculpturing the shape body .Following liposuction compressive dressing are applied and healing takes place with the body assuming the new shape.
q Ultrasound theraphy gives for several weeks afterwards bring down the swelling, helps resolve the bruising, softens the scar tissue and speed up the recover and healing time.
q To insure the best possible result, it is strongly recommended that ultrasound therapy should be followed for six weeks,with 2-3 treatment per week.Ultrasound therapy given for several weeks afterwards brings down the swelling ,helps resolve the bruising ,softens the scar tissue and speeds up the recovery and healing time.
q To insure the best result ,it is strongly recommended that ultrasound therapy should be followed for six weeks, with two to three treatments per weeks .
- Patient to OR table
- Induction of spinal Anesthesia
- Asepsis & Antisepsis technique
- Sterile draping
- Stabbed incision done
1.Sepra-pubic area
2.Sepra-inbidical area
3.L & S ASIS
- Kleins tumescent fluid injected (approximate 1 liter)
- Suctioning of Fats started suctioning cannula #4 &3
1.Infranubilical area
2.L & R
- Hemostasis accured
- Suturing done
- Elastic sterile dressing applied