Many people have a chin that is just too small for their face. When one has a lack of chin projection, the face is weakened. It can also make the nose liking larger than it really is. For this reason, many patients will seek surgery to improve the appearance of the chin. This is accomplished by inserting a small synthetic implant over the natural bone. The operation can also greatly of chin projection may occur with aging. Chin augmentation is also commonly combined with facial liposuction; where fat is removed from under the chin and from the neck.
A small incision is made either underneath the chin or inside the mouth. A sterile implant, similar to the consistency of a natural chin, is placed in front of the bone to increase the projection of the chin. The implant is secured and the incision is sutured closed.
I. Preoperative Preparation
* Secure written consent
* Take standard photograph
* Give prophylactic antibiotic at least 1 hour prior to surgery
Wash face with soap and water
* Oral gargle with betadine oral antiseptic
* Position patient on the operating table (supine position)
* Placement of operative marking
II. Preoperative Technique
* Asepsis and antisepsis
* Application of sterile drapes
* Infiltration of Local Anesthesia
· Mucosal incision via the oral route through the gingivolabial crease carried down to the periostal of the chin area, disclosing at times a fibrous medical band which must be sectioned
· Symmetrical chin pocket is created
· Hemostasis assured
· Insertion of chin implant; placement of catgut sutures to ensure midline placement of implant
· Layer by suturing using simple interrupted absorbable sutures up to mucosal closure
III. Postoperative Care
Advise patient to…
1. Continue home medications
– oral antibiotic for 7 days
– analgesics
2. Gargle with oral betadine antiseptic solution 2x a day
3. Diet Modification
a. Day 1-Cold liquid diet
b. Day 2-Cold soft diet
c. Day 3-Diet ad Tolerated
4. To come back after 3 days for follow-up check up